Ep. 051: Why Donald Gibson: A Well-Educated Medical Doctor, Landed in Federal Prison

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Donald Gibson, who was a well-educated Medical Doctor, has quite a story of that person who had an injury and was prescribed medications by a doctor that led to overuse and an addiction like many stories out there. The difference, is that he was a doctor. In today’s show, we are going to dip our feet into that stigma of substance abuse because for some, there is a belief that certain people, specifically with certain professions are not susceptible to this problem.

They can’t be. I want to say. Drug abuse that can lead to dependency is not prejudice or bias. It could be your neighbor, your children, a lawyer, politician, or the profession of my guest today. Donald Gibson, just like myself, became wrapped up in behaviors that the stigma says, he is a bad person. Is he? Or was he that doctor who had transformed into Mr. Hyde as I describe compared myself to in my book. He did land himself in federal prison after being arrested by the FBI.

I told my story in Pain, Failure and misery are the stepping stones to success of those types of activities. Many of those stories I kept to myself for many years and then after my relapse it was shame that kept those stories hidden for quite a while. It wasn’t until I reminded myself that the things I did, do not define me and maybe I could be relatable to some once I took a stand to fight the stigma of substance abuse. I talk in depth about that in another episode I called, “Dishonest, and Criminals. Is That Who They Really Are?”

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Ep. 052: Jay Shifman: Honest Communication About Topics People are Afraid to Talk About.


Ep. 050: Dr. Lynette Louise: The Brain Broad. Let's Change Our Brain holistically with neurofeedback