Ep. 069: Anthony Torres. An Ex-Drug Abuser Who Became A Pastor. Who Would Have Thought? And, an Author!!


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Anthony Torres is an author of a new book “Letters to my people, thoughts of a recovering addict.” He is the lead pastor of Mountain View church in New Mexico. He has a lot of similarities to me and many of our listeners. He battled with drug addiction, suffered those same questions of our existence and walked away with many scars and then became a man of faith.

Faith is something that we all struggle with, whether it be faith in you child, your boss, or even faith that we will live until tomorrow. Faith is believing in something that we do not truly understand such as motives, agendas, or anything we can’t judge through our senses. What we see can even be altered requiring a certain amount of faith to believe that it is real. Faith in my judgment or even my feelings since they really are not always accurate. The bible is by far the most inspirational book ever written whether you believe in it or not. Anthony is a man of love, compassion, and empathy. Humility is what will save us in this world and it is also very appealing.

The book, “Pain, Failure and Misery are the Stepping Stones to Success,” and even though I didn’t create this based on this quote but “psalms 119 verse 71 says "It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees." The greatest advocates out there fighting for the good of mankind had to suffer to spread their message of love. Anthony Torres is that example. Anthony Torres. An Ex-Drug Abuser Who Became A Pastor. Who Would Have Thought? And, an Author.

Please check out his book, “Letters to my people, thoughts of a recovering addict.”

Click the link below to purchase his amazing book

You can see his sermons at: https://www.mvcalamo.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anthony.torres.9887

By Torres, Anthony
Buy on Amazon


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