Episode 089: Chip Gives a Voice For His Daughter Chelsea who Died of an Overdose in 2002. What Can She Teach Us?

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Chelsea Marie Heptig died in 2002 from an overdose of MDMA and Heroin. Chip Heptig, her father, is going to provide the voice to this beautiful young woman who died too young. We can’t forget her story and the lessons she can teach us. Dying in vain is only possible when there is nothing, we can learn. I don’t think that has to happen.

This show is different then others on "High While Clean," as we are focusing on Chelsea as her father shares her story. You will get to hear the eulogies from her funeral and pictures that will help to tell her story.

Chip is a loving, and caring father that still grieves his daughter every day.

This show is going to keep her alive by remembering her. Remembering the mark she left and the struggles she endured.

This show is designed to bring humanity by presenting someone who isn't just another statistic.

Lets watch and share this story because the hole that remains in Chip and his family from losing someone you love so deeply is becoming more common every day.

We need to come together as a country and find similarities instead of differences.

We all have one huge thing in common and that is, "we are all Americans."

There is a website dedicated to Chelsea:


High While Clean is a platform for individuals in recovery to share their story. give hope to those suffering and a voice to those we have lost. Drug Addiction is powerful and we need to fight the stigma against substance abuse.

Please subscribe to our channel.

Eric’s book, “Pain, Failure, and Misery are the Stepping Stones to Success is available is in most digital formats as well as paper book and hardback from the publisher.

If you like it, would you be so kind as to share it? 💚

Episode 090: Patrick Portman: Director of Lifetools. specializes in addictive behaviors, co-host of Tackling Life


Episode 088: Theresa Anthony: Author and Advocate. Her Son, an Alcohol Abuser Who Committed Suicide at 25