Ep. 057: Gerald Czernohorsky: Learn to be Authentic and Live a Life of Freedom

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"By living your life's purpose, there are no obstacles you cannot overcome." Gerald Czernohorsky

Gerald is a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach. After spending many years in the corporate world he decided to take the leap into the world of entrepreneurship as a real estate investor and now a Life Coach. As well Gerald spent many years as a Big Brother and also sat on the Board of Directors for the Local Chapter of the “Big brothers and Big Sisters” Our fears and limiting beliefs can hold so many of us back from reaching our goals and dreams. Wouldn’t it feel amazing to free yourself from those shackles and obstacles in your mind? Most of our fears are based on our thoughts but are not actually true or valid. You can live a life of “Freedom” when you realize this and begin to face your fears and challenges head on. The greatest gift we have as humans is the ability to connect with one another. However to be able to relate with others on a deep level we must first learn to connect with ourselves, to understand who we truly are so that we can really have amazing connections with our fellow human beings. It is so important to work on ourselves in terms of personal development and growth and I want to inspire people to live a life of Freedom and Connection.



What does it mean to be your truly authentic self? Humanistic psychologists would say that by definition, authentic people possess a number of common characteristics that show they are psychologically mature and fully functioning as human beings. They... 1. Have realistic perceptions of reality. 2. Are accepting of themselves and of other people. 3. Are thoughtful. 4. Have a non-hostile sense of humor. 5. Are able to express their emotions freely and clearly. 6. Are open to learning from their mistakes. 7. Understand their motivations. If behind what a person says and does is a defensive and self-deceptive approach to life, then no matter how passionate and committed they are to a cause, ultimately they are not being true to themselves. Authenticity is ultimately about those qualities that show healthy non-defensive functioning and psychological maturity. Those are the qualities we need to look for. When you commit to being your authentic self, you start to learn what truly makes you happy. Fidelity is characterized by the ability to commit to others and acceptance of others even with differences. Identity crisis is the result of role confusion and can cause the adolescent to try out different lifestyles.

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