Channel Letters

At Class Act, our expertise extends to handling all types of jobs, big or small, including intricate channel lettering projects. We take pride in delivering top-notch installations, with the sign shop owner personally overseeing the installation of those striking Channel Letters.

For businesses aiming to make a bold statement with illuminated signage, Channel Letters offer a brilliant choice. The standard channel letters typically feature an aluminum structure forming the shape of a letter or logo, paired with a Plexiglas (Acrylic) face. For those seeking unique effects, options like Reverse Channel Letters, with a clear (Polycarbonate) backing for halo lighting, or open face Channel Letters with exposed Neon elements, can provide a distinctive touch.

It all starts with an idea. Whether you're launching a new venture, transforming a passion into a profession, or showcasing a creative endeavor, the way you create your sign can truly set you apart. Let us help you illuminate your vision and captivate your audience through expertly crafted Channel Letters that demand attention and leave a lasting impression.

