Ep. 060: Michael Collins; An Addiction Most of Us Have. Sugar!! May Be Similar to Drugs.

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Michael (Mike) Collins the founder of http://sugaraddiction.com and a former sugar addict.

For the past 30 years he has not consumed sugar in any form – at least not intentionally.

His interest in sugar addiction began in the early days of his recovery from substance use disorder. As he weaned himself off other substances he noticed that his relationship to, and his consumption of, sugar was beginning to resemble his other addictions. Curious and concerned, he started to talk about this with his recovery buddies. This led him to decide to quit sugar with the help of some amazing mentors.

Since then he has helped hundreds of people personally and thousands online - quit, reduce or get under control runaway sugar use.

With his wife, he raised two children sugar-free from the womb to six years old with zero sugar. After which they only had sugar at outside events occasionally - but never at home.

After many years of successfully starting, scaling and selling businesses, Michael decided that what really made him happy was helping people break their addictions of all kinds and come out the other side happier and healthier

Addiction has many faces. Whether it be chemical abuse or behavioral addictions like gambling or sex. My guest today brings about something that most of us may not even think about. He defines this as an addiction which fits perfectly into this podcast. Most alcoholics, once they quick drinking begin to crave this very substance that we are going to talk about. Sugar. Michael Collins, the author of “the Last Resort, Sugar Detox Guide.”

Check out his book and website: https://sugaraddiction.com/

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Ep. 061: Patrick Chester: Recovering Pathological Gambler. Lost Millions and Ended Up In Jail.


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