Ep. 061: Patrick Chester: Recovering Pathological Gambler. Lost Millions and Ended Up In Jail.

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Patrick Chester, who has struggled with a behavioral addiction that has destroyed millions of lives and nearly ended his, as suicide became an option. He Resorted to criminal acts to feed his addiction, and ultimately ended up in jail. He is 5 years free of that "monster" and has a new purpose in life. He spent many years taking from people to feed his sickness, now he gives back and it’s an amazing story! Patrick Chester: Recovering Pathological Gambler. Lost Millions and ended up in Jail.

When the word using is replaced with gambling, we can see that compulsion is not limited to psychoactive substances. Compulsive gamblers: think about gambling most of the time (compulsion)  (tolerance) as they increase the size of their bet restless and discontent when not gambling (which is a psychological withdrawal)  continue gambling regardless of how much they lose (denial says they believe they can control it and will gamble again, even after weeks of abstinence, particularly if they have money in their pocket. The specific behavioral addiction is a symptom of the addiction, not the illness.

The illness is addiction. Initially, gambling was recreational and pleasurable. Bets were small and consequences not so bad. Early on for most gamblers, a big win will fuel the craving to gamble. Compulsive gambling is a progressive disease, and the main differences between problem and pathological gambling are time and money. Addictive behaviors alter brain chemistry in very similar ways as psychoactive drugs do and the reasons why people engage in a compulsive behaviors are the same reasons why people engage in compulsive drug use: to get the rush, overcome boredom, forget problems, control anxiety and depression, and, to alter their state of consciousness

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Ep. 062: Rosalyn Kahn: Author, Motivational Speaker, Teacher. Results Oriented Self-Actualizer.


Ep. 060: Michael Collins; An Addiction Most of Us Have. Sugar!! May Be Similar to Drugs.